Bull by the Horns

When President John F. Kennedy gave his famous “moon speech” at Rice University on that late summer day in 1962, he gave people something to believe in. Speaking with confidence and purpose, he stood before the crowd and painted a picture so clear that the entire country couldn’t help but be compelled to believe in his vision. In an era of great uncertainty, Kennedy declared, “We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.”

Just eight years later, Kennedy’s vision was realized. In looking back on this pivotal moment in American history, it becomes clear that it could never have been accomplished without both the vision and a collective effort. The people of the United States’ needed to feel inspired and to be part of something bigger than themselves. This is what great leaders do. They are able to paint a polarizing vision of the future so clear and compelling that everyone is either compelled and completely drawn toward the vision or they are repelled and move away from the vision.  For those looking to harness the power of their HERD, it begins with this very important concept of establishing and regularly communicating a compelling/repelling vision. 

What is a vision? While it may seem like a simple question, the answer is a bit more complex. Many companies believe that they have a “vision,” but their “vision” is just a collection of words without any meaning. Using phrases such as, “we intend to be the best” or “we strive to create high-quality products” doesn’t motivate customers to “buy, and certainly doesn’t motivate employees to want to come to work every morning. A true vision has meaning and purpose. It clearly states where your company is going and how it intends to get there – like a powerful marquee on the front of a bus stating clearly where the organization is headed.  When your HERD hears this message, it should be so vivid in their mind that they are compelled to get on the bus and every challenge is seen as an opportunity to leverage their strengths to help the bus reach the destination. They should be drawn to it like a magnet  and wake up everyday committed to the cause and see their work as truly meaningful.

But, if a vision isn’t just a collection of words, what exactly is it? The difference in the way Microsoft and Apple market their products is a perfect example. When the Zune was released in 2006, Microsoft had indeed created a great device. It was well-designed, functional, and reliable. However, they made a fatal mistake in communicating why customers needed their product. When advertising the Zune they were fairly straightforward and focused on the technical aspects. Consumers were bombarded with the differences between 16, 32, and 64 GB storage capacities and eventually the array of different applications available. But, they never really communicated the value of their product. Apple did the exact opposite. When the iPod hit the market, they weren’t focused on the technical aspects. They were focused on the value they were bringing to people’s lives. Their advertisements were filled with phrases such as “5,000 songs in your pocket” and people dancing alone to express individuality. Consumers clearly received the message because the Zune is now a footnote in the history of technology.

By focusing on the value and telling a compelling story, Apple was able to grow their cult-like following and create one of the most popular products of all time. Companies who want to create a compelling and engaging vision must do the same thing. A vision should clearly relate the value you are bringing to the world – both internal and external customers. It should ultimately be constructed in a way that every stakeholder in the organization understands your very purpose for being in business.

As the future of work unfolds and modern organizations continue to adapt to a constantly changing environment, there is no substitute for the value of clear and compelling vision. Before the individual strengths of each member of your HERD can be unleashed, they must see the future as bright and want to be part of something bigger than themselves. Opportunities should constantly be given for professional development and growth. But, these opportunities shouldn’t be just the chance to learn how to create a better PowerPoint, but a chance to see their role within the company as valuable. An opportunity to showcase their unique skills and abilities.

As time goes on, this type of company culture only results in an environment in which team members want to provide value to both customers and to others in the organization. They see their work as meaningful and as a part of something bigger than themselves. 

If you are interested in learning more about how to harness the power of your HERD and leverage the unique individual strengths within each of your team members, KnowBullU is for you. KnowBullU is designed for modern companies and leaders looking to create a powerful and compelling vision which ultimately results in success.  By taking advantage of straightforward sessions and a set of remarkable tools, you can “ring the bell” everyday.    

In one of Aesop’s fables, he tells the story of three bulls grazing in a field. Everyday a lion would pace around the outskirts of the field and attempt to ambush them anytime he thought they were vulnerable. However, the bulls were resilient. Every time the lion would try to approach them they would stand together with their horns facing out and repel the attack. One day the bulls got into an argument and went off to graze in separate corners of the field alone. As they ventured off alone, the lion devoured them one by one. 

This story provides an important lesson to those that hear it. Together with the power of the HERD we have incredible strength, well beyond the sum of our individual strengths.  United we stand, divided we fall. But, what does this story mean for modern professionals and organizations? The most successful teams are those that are able to work together and transform their power and passion into something that benefits everyone. Without a powerful vision and a set of shared values, it is impossible to come together and protect your herd from the many dangers they face. While a lion may not be prowling around your team eagerly awaiting his next meal, your company faces constant danger. There are competitors who want to take your customers and eat away at your market share. The stock market’s volatility can create incredible highs and lows in just a number of days. A new technology can make your company obsolete overnight. The list goes on. All of that being said, a very important question becomes clear. How do you harness the power of everyone in your herd and ultimately create something remarkable, and collectively greater than any one individual or the sum of all the individuals?

Compel and Engage Your Team

Leaders who want to leverage the power of each individual’s unique strengths must create a company vision so compelling that people have no choice but to follow. The vision of the organization must be so clear and vivid in their mind that they are committed to the cause without any degree of doubt. However, a vision isn’t simply a set of phrases that include “we aim to be the best” or “we strive to be number one.” Those phrases really have no meaning. A truly compelling vision is one that your team can clearly identify with. It should inspire them to take action and ultimately take ownership of their individual responsibilities. If they find their everyday work meaningful and a valuable part of achieving the long-term vision of the company, success will soon follow for everyone.

Align Your Team With Your Values

The military serves as one of the best examples of a high performing organization that thrives on the existence of shared values. All service members hold the values of integrity, honor, loyalty, trust, and respect very high. As a result, when they are faced with adversity they are willing to go above and beyond for the person next to them. In some cases, they are even willing to risk their lives. Companies have the exact same opportunity to build a culture based upon shared values. When training and developing a team there must be a clear set of standards that describe how we all should act and behave. The values that are most important to the company should be clearly communicated from the top down and then reinforced by all. There isn’t any shame in setting high expectations or stressing the importance of adhering to these ideas. A team should be prepared to face challenges together with the best interests of the group in mind. Every effort should be made to foster an environment where each individual team member is dedicated to the fundamental values necessary to help the company succeed.

Assess and Build Your Ideal Team 

When searching for the people you want to bring into your organization, personality is far more important than skill-set. Herb Kelleher of Southwest Airlines famously once said, “You don’t hire for skills. You hire for attitude. You can always teach skills.” While it may be true that every role in a company requires a unique skill set, it is nearly impossible to have a productive team built upon expertise alone. Every member of your team should be a good fit and a direct reflection of you and your core values.

For those leaders looking to harness the power of their herd, there is no substitute for the value of having a well-aligned team with a set of shared values that create a compelling/repelling magnet to help the company achieve its vision. 

KnowBullU is designed for business leaders who want to leverage their passion and harness the power of their herd. By taking advantage of straightforward sessions and a set of remarkable tools, you can “ring the bell” everyday.   

It’s important to think about your hiring process and if you’ve assessed it recently. Too often we rely just on our gut. We interview a few people and then we all get together and say, “Did we like them and what does our gut say about them?”

When your team faces adversity, do you bounce or splat? Is setback detrimental to your organization or is it just part of what you encounter every day?

Professional development is a key part of a successful business. It’s continuing education that will allow you and your herd to continually learn and grow in your business. It helps businesses be more competitive by fostering a positive environment in which employees are more productive, loyal and content.

I always speak about the importance of having a compelling vision for your company and driving that point home on a regular basis. I cannot speak enough about the importance of having a vision that makes people want to be a part of what you’re doing, appreciate why you exist and admire your company.

I always say, you have the herd you deserve, and if you are a subpar leader, your herd will follow suit. Here are a few tips for effectively leading your herd in the direction of success…

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