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In one of Aesop’s fables, he tells the story of three bulls grazing in a field. Everyday a lion would pace around the outskirts of the field and attempt to ambush them anytime he thought they were vulnerable. However, the bulls were resilient. Every time the lion would try to approach them they would stand together with their horns facing out and repel the attack. One day the bulls got into an argument and went off to graze in separate corners of the field alone. As they ventured off alone, the lion devoured them one by one. 

This story provides an important lesson to those that hear it. Together with the power of the HERD we have incredible strength, well beyond the sum of our individual strengths.  United we stand, divided we fall. But, what does this story mean for modern professionals and organizations? The most successful teams are those that are able to work together and transform their power and passion into something that benefits everyone. Without a powerful vision and a set of shared values, it is impossible to come together and protect your herd from the many dangers they face. While a lion may not be prowling around your team eagerly awaiting his next meal, your company faces constant danger. There are competitors who want to take your customers and eat away at your market share. The stock market’s volatility can create incredible highs and lows in just a number of days. A new technology can make your company obsolete overnight. The list goes on. All of that being said, a very important question becomes clear. How do you harness the power of everyone in your herd and ultimately create something remarkable, and collectively greater than any one individual or the sum of all the individuals?

Compel and Engage Your Team

Leaders who want to leverage the power of each individual’s unique strengths must create a company vision so compelling that people have no choice but to follow. The vision of the organization must be so clear and vivid in their mind that they are committed to the cause without any degree of doubt. However, a vision isn’t simply a set of phrases that include “we aim to be the best” or “we strive to be number one.” Those phrases really have no meaning. A truly compelling vision is one that your team can clearly identify with. It should inspire them to take action and ultimately take ownership of their individual responsibilities. If they find their everyday work meaningful and a valuable part of achieving the long-term vision of the company, success will soon follow for everyone.

Align Your Team With Your Values

The military serves as one of the best examples of a high performing organization that thrives on the existence of shared values. All service members hold the values of integrity, honor, loyalty, trust, and respect very high. As a result, when they are faced with adversity they are willing to go above and beyond for the person next to them. In some cases, they are even willing to risk their lives. Companies have the exact same opportunity to build a culture based upon shared values. When training and developing a team there must be a clear set of standards that describe how we all should act and behave. The values that are most important to the company should be clearly communicated from the top down and then reinforced by all. There isn’t any shame in setting high expectations or stressing the importance of adhering to these ideas. A team should be prepared to face challenges together with the best interests of the group in mind. Every effort should be made to foster an environment where each individual team member is dedicated to the fundamental values necessary to help the company succeed.

Assess and Build Your Ideal Team 

When searching for the people you want to bring into your organization, personality is far more important than skill-set. Herb Kelleher of Southwest Airlines famously once said, “You don’t hire for skills. You hire for attitude. You can always teach skills.” While it may be true that every role in a company requires a unique skill set, it is nearly impossible to have a productive team built upon expertise alone. Every member of your team should be a good fit and a direct reflection of you and your core values.

For those leaders looking to harness the power of their herd, there is no substitute for the value of having a well-aligned team with a set of shared values that create a compelling/repelling magnet to help the company achieve its vision. 

KnowBullU is designed for business leaders who want to leverage their passion and harness the power of their herd. By taking advantage of straightforward sessions and a set of remarkable tools, you can “ring the bell” everyday.   

So you’ve found the perfect herd for you and your business – what’s the next step? You can’t simply expect your herd to be able to succeed without any guidance or encouragement from you.

You’ve invested a lot of time and money into perfecting your hiring process, and now you need a plan to retain your new employees. While most businesses have a system in place for hiring, many do not have the systems in place to ensure that employees are engaged, happy, and ultimately stay with the company for a long time. By not having an employee retention plan in place, businesses run into unnecessary and excessive turnover.

In every business, there’s a pesky invisible force that comes into play around November that temps us to slack off or take it easy for the last few months of the year. Maybe it’s because of the holidays coming up, or maybe it’s because we know the year is quickly coming to and end, but whatever the reason, I’m sure you’ve noticed it in yourself or other employees.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. By following these 5 steps, you can take the bull by the horns and harness the power of you and your HERD to finish the year strong.

1. Review your goals

Where are you at currently? Is is still realistic to hit your goals by the end of the year? If not, what adjustments need to be made? What small changes can you make starting today that will help you move closer to your goals?

2. Know your financials

Are you on track for a strong Q4? Review your financials now so that you’re not caught off guard when the new year hits. After doing a quick review, ask yourself if there are any areas that need to be looked at more thoroughly.

3. Cut out what’s unnecessary

Take a good look at where you spend the majority of your time. Is there anything that you can cut out and pick up next year? Are there certain projects that have sidetracked you from the key business and financial goals you’re trying to hit? If so, cut them out and devote that time to the things that will directly impact your bottom line this quarter.

4. Offer incentives

Are your employees spending more time at the water cooler discussing holiday plans than they are getting their work done? Create some incentives to encourage employees to double down and finish out the year with a bang. This could be in the form of a bonus, gift cards, or extra time off for hitting certain milestones.

5. Avoid multitasking

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you can multitask effectively. It’s a myth. If you find yourself doing this often, then post a few sticky notes around your office or on your computer that say something like “focus on the task at hand” or “stop multitasking” to help you remember.

If you need help finishing the year strong in your business, then click here to schedule a free executive consultation. Or, if you’re just curious about how I help executives and their businesses, shoot me a note or give me a quick call. or 727-470-0877.

Are you and your spouse or significant other in business together? If so, I’m guessing some of the following statements will sound all too familiar:

We never have enough time in the day… There’s always too much to do… Our roles and responsibilities are unclear… We’re tired of doing the grunt work every day… The financial and emotional stress is taking a toll on us… It seems like we can never take a break… We’re always working… I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to actually enjoy the fruits of our labor…

While it’s quite common for couples to go into business together, unfortunately, it’s a lot less common for these couples to thrive in their relationship and business, let alone experience anything close to bliss.

I get it. I’ve been there. My wife (Melissa) and I have experienced all of these feelings and more.  As a married couple in business together over the last 10 years, we’ve experienced the highs, the lows, and everything in between.

That’s why we decided to start Work Love Bliss.

We’re bringing like-minded couples in business together to help each other out and hold each other accountable on a journey toward bliss in work and in love! Work Love Bliss provides a unique structure of regular mastermind sessions, speakers, coaching and planning sessions, as well as the opportunity to build life-long relationships with couples facing the same joys and challenges.

Plus, members get awarded free travel every year to world-class properties!

If you’re a couple in business and you’re ready to ditch the hectic, stress-filled life, and begin working with other couples to find true bliss in both your business and your relationship, then I invite you to connect with us in preparation for our national launch in February (free stay with us at Punta Mita, Mexico private gated resort) or if in the Bloomington, IN area, visit our next monthly Bloomington mastermind session as free guests. (

Additionally, if you want to learn more and speak with me directly about either group, shoot me a note or give me a call. or 727-470-0877.

Harnessing the Power of Your Herd today on “Know Bull Tip of the Week”

Watch the video below to hear more about my thoughts on this topic. If you have questions or would like to discuss this more send me an email — — or call me directly at (727) 470-0877.

Looking forward to helping you Harness the Power of Your Herd.

Where are you now? Where do you want to be in five years? How do you get there?

The first two questions can only be answered by you. The third question can be answered in two words: company culture. Your employees are the foundation of your enterprise and it is important to remember that they need you just as much as you need them. It was Stephen R. Covey who said, “Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers.”

Here are three of the best ways to maintain a strong company culture.

Have a defined culture: Decide what you want your culture to be and make it clear to everyone. If there is any room for interpretation when it comes to your company culture, something is wrong. Every employee should understand the vision and direction of your company. That being said, it is much easier to work towards a common goal when you know exactly what it is and how to get there. This transparency opens the door for progress.

Give the tools necessary for success: Encourage employees to take advantage of education opportunities whether personal or professional. Employees that go the extra mile to expand their knowledge will be assets to your company. As these employees succeed and climb the company ladder, others will realize that the door is always open for those who choose to better themselves. Be supportive of your employees and they will make your company better!

Create a level playing field: Employees, managers, VPs, and CEOs always seem to be herded into groups and placed on a different level of the podium. To create and maintain a successful company culture, it is important to make sure everyone knows that they matter. Special dining areas and parking spaces are subtle, yet persistent reminders that managers and CEOs carry more clout than the regular employee. This only reinforces the “us vs. them” mindset within a company and discourages communication. Nobody should receive special treatment. We all work for the same company and share many of the same goals.

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