Bull by the Horns

The bull is a reflection of who I am and what I want to invoke in other leaders. As a leader, you need to make sure that your herd is driven to be a part of the mission of the herd.

You know what can be really difficult and even humbling? Asking for help. But in business, especially when you are first starting out, you can’t be afraid to ask for help.

We are all human and we all mistakes. Of course everybody knows that, but when mistakes are made, it’s hard to keep that in the forefront of your mind.

We all have the potential to be powerful and passionate, no matter what the role is. Your job as the leader is to make sure that you are harnessing the collective strength of your herd.

As a leader, it’s your responsibility to establish your vision, values and expectations for your organization. I have always said that you have the herd you deserve, whether it be good or bad, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t change it.

As the boss bull, you can’t always expect to be perfect. A key part of being a good leader is your willingness to grow, learn and change when necessary.

When I use the term bull, your mind may go to the image of a typical male bull, but I always use it as a gender neutral term. Therefore, we are all bulls, and in my experience there are three types of bulls…

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing with Michelle Shaeffer & the Art of Giving a Damn, talking about the intentionality that comes with being a good leader and how to harness that intentionality.

So you’ve found the perfect herd for you and your business – what’s the next step? You can’t simply expect your herd to be able to succeed without any guidance or encouragement from you.

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